
It's time for the release of the Oscar Nominated Films

Thursday, March 31, 2011

If a Tree Falls (1:25) 2010

Environmental Film Festival at Yale - Day 4  East Coast Premiere
Radical environmentalists burn down a logging company building. Is this an act of eco-terrorism or is it a crime of arson?  If a Tree Falls is a documentary that was five years in the making. The documentary begins with the arrest of Daniel McGowan, a one time member of the Earth Liberation Front. The filmmakers examine the reasons that prompted environmental activist to take such drastic action. Filmmakers Marshall Curry and Sam Cullman interweave Daniel's present day story of living under house arrest while awaiting trial with a look back at his involvement with the ELF. The documentary shows the complexity of the issues while taking a balanced look at both sides of the conflict - activists and law enforcement  officials. If a Tree Falls is a documentary that really makes me think. I'm still processing all the information. As I was watching the movie, I kept changing my thinking and leaning more on one side than would change and lean to the other side. My daughter and I discussed the film all the way home.

Sugar (2:00) 2008

Countdown to Opening Day -1
2000s Basball Movie
Sugar is Miguel, a talented Dominican Republic pitcher.  Baseball is very popular in the Dominican Republic and men view it as a way out of poverty. Miguel, or Sugar, is called up to a Kansas City farm team. He lives with a host family on an Iowan farm. He has difficulty adjusting to the new culture and language. His Hispanic teammates are his companions and his competitors as they face the same isolation of not speaking the language. Sugar struggles with his performance. Looming overhead is the fact that if a player is injuried, his career is over. If a player cannot perform, he is cut. The uniforms have numbers on the back that can be easy removed allowing for players moving up and down quickly. Sugar has talent and one day is called up to the majors. He is going to be pitching for New York. Getting to the majors is one thing, staying there is another.
Sugar is shot both in the Dominican Republic, Iowa and New York. He has the feel of a documentary especially since the film uses unknown actors. Much of the film is in Spanish with English subtitles. The movie is excellent is demonstrating how difficult it is to not only make it to the majors but to continue to play at the professional level. Americans think that the life of a basball player is glamorous and exciting - well, think again.

Fever Pitch (1:43) 2005

Countdown to Opening Day - 1
Fever Pitch is a comedy starring Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore. This is not a great movie unless you are a Boston Red Sox fan. This movie is about Ben's (Fallon) all consuming devotion to the Red Sox. Ben is a school teacher and attends all the Red Sox home games. All he thinks about is going to the game, watching the game, being at the game and hoping the Sox go all the way to the World Series.  He meets a woman executive, Lindsay who happens to be a workaholic. There first date is attending a Red Sox game although Lindsay knows little about baseball. Ben and Lindsay are attracted to each other but Lindsay is put off to his single minded devotion to the game. They begin dating and their relationship is humming along. Lindsay invites Ben to Paris but he refuses because the Red Sox are playing the Yankees at home. They eventually break up but Ben finally realizes that he misses Lindsay. The story takes place in 2004, will the Red Sox finally win the World Series and will Ben finally win Lindsay back? I really liked this movie because I am a dye in the wool Red Sox fan. However, there is more to life than baseball. Fever Pitch has an ending that puts things in perspective.
2000s Baseball Movie

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The City Dark (approx 1:30) 2010

Environmental Film Festival at Yale - Day 3
Ian Cheney's The City Dark sheds light on. . . the light pollution of the night sky. The documentary is segmented into six areas. The segments include astronomers working in observatories on Staten Island, Sky Village (AZ), and Maui, (HI) speak about their experiences and challenges of their work now and in the past. There is a section on how light pollution negatively effects the migration of birds and the trek of newly hatched sea turtles to the ocean. One section that provided new learning for many of us in the audience was research showing a relationship of  increased cases of breast cancer in women who work the night shift. Fortunately this part was not to technical, it apparently has something to do with melatonin. The final segment ends with the solution. Towns are enacting legislation that requires residents to buy light fixtures that reducesthe amount of light going up into space by directing the light to the ground. This is something that we can all do. This was a wonderfully engaging documentary which succinctly touched upon the important causes and issues of light pollution. It was very illuminating in a positive way.

The Herd (Ireland 0:04) 2009

Environmental Film Festival at Yale - Day 3
The Herd is a delightful and charming tale of a herd of cattle and the deer that hangs out with them. Inter dispersed with the scenes of the deer walking near and within the herd, is the interview with the farmer and his mother. The farmer mentions that if the deer becomes a nuisance and disturbs the cattle, he will have to take action to eliminate the 'disturbance'. His mother is quite clear in her message that anyone that messes with the deer will have to answer to her. Naturally, they both speak with a brogue and have the Irish way with their phrasing. The audience got the biggest kick out of this short film.

Mr. Baseball (1:48) 1992

Countdown to Opening Day - 2
1990s Baseball Movie

Right of the bat, so to speak, this is not a movie that received great reviews but I did enjoy this comedy. Tom Selleck plays an aging Yankees player who is traded to a Japanese team. When Jack Elliot reports to his team, The Dragons, he soon experiences culture shock. Elliot continues his American ways, arguing with the umpire, challenging the manager and other behaviors that impact his performance. After he learns that his career is in jeopardy, Elliot apologies to his team. His teammates rally around him but is the newly found teamwork in time to win the pennant? Tom Selleck is perfect as the aging player who acts like the stereotypical ugly American. It was a lot of fun watching the clash of cultures. If you want a evening of pure fun and entertainment, while this might not hit a home run, certainly will get you a double bagger.

A League of Their Own (2:08) 1992

Countdown to Opening Day - 2
1990s Baseball Movie
During World War II many professional baseball players went to fight in the war. This left a void for those who enjoy watching baseball. A wealthy candy manufacturer decides to form an all girls baseball team and make some money. Jon Lovitz is the scout, signing women working on the Midwest farms to play for the Women's League. Tom Hanks is the alcoholic, washed up manager. The team is comprised of well known actresses:  Geena Davis, Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell and others. The Rockford Peaches are not doing too well and their manager really isn't invested in the team. The league, which is based on the real All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, might be disbanded due to lack of attendance. A reporter and his photographer visit the park to do a story. The photo of a phenomenal catch ends up on the cover. Attendance improves and the Peaches are doing well. As the World Series approaches, the women receive various news, one's husband is killed in battle, one returns with injuries. Will the Peaches win the World Series? This was a well received and popular movie when released. For baseball fans and history lovers, this is a must see.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Connected (1:22) 2011

Day 2 - Environmental Film Festival at Yale - East Coast Premiere
Connected is a absolutely riveting documentary about our every increasing global interdependence through texting, tweeting and surfing the web. The look at the driving forces of our worldwide interconnectedness is interwoven with the film maker's personal story of the death of her father and the birth of her daughter. The director, Tiffany Shlain, experienced these two big life events happened within two weeks. The documentary uses archival footage, animation, and the director's family home videos to make this very entertaining, most engaging and very touching film. The director was in attendance tonight and entertained questions from the audience. Do yourself a favor, if Connected comes to your area, please make time to see it.

Uranium (USA 0:11) 2010

Day 2 - Environmental Film Festival at Yale
Uranium is a short film that exams the contamination of the environment surrounding the uranium mines near the Grand Canyon. The mines have impacted the land and water quality of the Native American people. The message of this documentary is that we should all reconsider the long lasting negative effects of uranium mining. The film points out that the contamination of the Colorado River will effect the drinking water of not only of the immediate environment but also of larger cities like Las Vegas.

Field of Dreams (1:47) 1989

Countdown to Opening Day - Day 3
1980s Baseball Movie
Ray Kinsella is a Iowan corn farmer. One day Ray hears a whisper coming from his cornfield. He hears the voice say the now famous line "If you build it, he will come" as a vision of a baseball field appears. Ray plows under the corn and builds a baseball field. A year later, Shoeless Joe Jackson emerges from the surrounding cornfield. He brings the other banned players from the 1919 White Sox team. The players begin playing a game with Ray being the only one who can see them. This is a sports fantasy movie that was very popular when it was released. Kinsella was played by Kevin Costner who again was very believable as a farmer and baseball fan. Field of Dreams was nominated for three Oscars, one being Best Picture. This is a must see baseball movie.

Eight Men Out (1:59) 1988

Countdown to Opening Day - 3
1980s Baseball Movie
Eight Men Out is the story of baseball's biggest cheating scandal. The 1919 Chicago White Sox are playing in the World Series against the Cincinnati Reds and are expected to take the series. The White Sox players are not well paid and take money to throw the series. Newspaper reporters are suspicious about the lost and one of them publishes a story that the Series was fixed. An investigation takes place and some of the players sign confessions. Even today, this event is referred to as the Black Sox scandal. This is a fascinating period piece with a cast of amazing actors including D.B. Sweeney as Shoeless Joe Jackson. I highly recommend this film about early baseball.

Bull Durham (1:48) 1988

Countdown to Opening Day - 3
1980s Baseball Movie
Set in North Carolina, Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) is a minor league catcher who is sent down to single-A for the purpose of training a young pitcher LaLoosh (Tim Robbins). LaLoosh has natural talent but is wild and needs to learn control in order to make it to the majors. Added to the mix is Annie (Susan Sarandon) a woman who picks a player each season to be her boyfriend. As the season wears on LaLoosh becomes romantically involved with Annie. Crash helps LaLoosh develop his control at the plate.  By mid season, LaLoosh has become a formidable pitcher and is called up to the majors. Davis, who has served his purpose to the team, is released. How do Davis, LaLoosh and Annie react to the changes? When Bull Durham hit the big screen it quickly became a top rated baseball movie. I like this movie and watch it every time it is shown on television. The cast is very good, Costner has natural athletic ability and is very believable as a catcher. Bull Durham is also a interesting look at the coming and going of the minor league players.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bang the Drum Slowly (1:36) 1973

Countdown to Opening Day - 4
1970s Baseball Movie
Bang the Drum Slowly stars Michael Moriarty and Robert DeNiro in a role that first brought him notice. DeNiro plays Bruce, a catcher for the New York Mammouths, short on intellect and talent. His best friend is Henry, a talented pitcher. Henry learns that Bruce is terminally ill with Hodgkin's disease and wants him to have a great final year. This movie is a well acted tearjerker. It is a remake of a fifties television production and was again remade in the nineties. This is one of my favorite baseball movies. DeNiro was great in his role and Vincent Gardenia, as Dutch the coach, won an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. This is a must see baseball movie. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The House Bunny (1:38) 2008

 Yes, I am embarrassed to admit I watched this movie. I am fighting off another cold and being low energy, surfed the television channels until I came across The House Bunny on TBS. The story revolves around Shelley, a Playboy bunny, who is tricked into thinking Hugh Hefner wants her out of the mansion. Shelley decides to become a House Mother to Zeta Tau Zeta, a sorority of seven socially inept college women. Using her knowledge and skills, Shelley turns these women into very attractive women. The ZTZ  sisters need all the help they can get as their house is endangered of losing their charter. Do I recommend this movie? Not really. It's a harmless, predictable comedy for people who just want to watch a mindless romp.

Bad News Bears (1:42) 1976

Countdown to Opening Day - 4
1970s Baseball Movie
When Bad News Bears was released it quickly became a big hit with families. Walter Matheau stars as Coach Buttermaker, a heavy drinking, former minor league coach. He is recruited to coach a new Southerm California Little League team. The problem? All the team members are considered "losers" because they are not athletic. One of the players is overweight, another nearsighted and so on. The team can't win any games so Buttermaker recruits some talent. Tatum O'Neal plays Amanda a talented pitcher, Jackie Earl Haley is a top athlete who is also a cigarette smoking, motorcycle riding loan shark. With the addition of the  new players, the team begins to move up in the standings. With each winning game Buttermaker becomes more and more competitive. Will success ruin the fun? Bad News Bears spawned two sequels, a short lived television show and a later remake. This is a enjoyable movie which serves as a reminder that baseball is a game and it should be fun for players, coaches and fans.

Reminder! EFFY 2011 Starts Tomorrow (3/28/11)

The Environmental Festival at Yale starts tomorrow with the showing of Waste Land and a one minute short film Life in a Land Fill. I blogged about Waste Land earlier this month and it is a great way to kick off the festival. After the movie, there will be a discussion about the documentary. One of the panelist is Tiaõ (Sebastiao Carlos dos Santos), President of ACAMJG (the Association of Recycling Pickers of Jardim Gramacho, Brazil who is featured in the film. I've attended the festival for the last two years and the discussions after the screenings are fantastic. Please seriously think about attending if you live in the Greater New Haven, CT area.

Legendary (1:47) 2010

Legendary received terrible reviews so I skipped it on the big screen and avoided renting it. For some unknown reason, probably due to Patricia Clarkson has a starring role, I gave it a chance. And I liked it, really liked it. Yes, it is sentimental, schmaltzy and predictable but it is a feel good movie. Cal is a scrawny fifteen year old who decides to wrestle for his high school team in Oklahoma. (This was interesting because wrestling high school teams don't exist in Connecticut.) Cal's older brother Mike was a champion high school wrestler and now estranged from the family. Mike blames himself for a car accident that took his father's life and his feeling of guilt was reinforced by his grief stricken mother. Cal gets in touch with his brother and asks him to train and coach him. They meet privately and work out. As time goes on, they form a relationship until the day Mike lands in jail after a bar fight. Although this movie uses the backdrop of high school wrestling, it really is about a family struggling after a  tragedy and the forces that bring them back together. And yes I cried at the end of this feel good movie.

A Challenge

I've searched high and low and am unable to find a baseball movie released anytime in the 1960s. Please let me know of any movie or documentary title from that decade.

Fear Strikes Out (1:40) 1957

Countdown to Opening Day - 5
1950s Baseball Movie
Fear Strikes Out is based on real people and true events. Jimmy Piersall was a big league center fielder in the fifties and sixties. He played for five major league teams and gained notoriety when playing for the Red Sox. He "fame" came not so much on the field for the execution of plays or his batting average but for his erratic behavior on the field and in the dugout. In 1952, fans watched Piersall have a breakdown during a game. He was committed to a hospital for psychiatric reasons and received treatment there for seven weeks, officially stated for nervous exhaustion. Fear Strikes Out was based on Piersall's book of the same name.  Anthony Perkins stars as Piersall and Karl Malden as Piersall's father. Piersall later criticized the movie stating that the movie blames his high pressure father for his mental health issues. I haven't seen this movie in quite awhile but remember being fascinated by the performance of both stars. I recently read that Piersall was later diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. This is now a good look back at the way we perceived mental health problems and the resulting treatment.

It Happens Every Spring (1:27) 1949

Countdown to Baseball's Opening Day-5
1940s Baseball Movie
It Happens Every Spring is a comedy that I watched growing up every spring for years. I just loved this movie. Ray Milland plays a college chemistry professor. When a errant baseball breaks the glassware holding liquid being used in experiments, Kelly realizes that the liquid repels wood. He bottles the liquid and leaves for St Louis to try out for a spot in their pitching rotation. Rubbing the liquid on a palm of his pitching glove, each thrown ball is missed when the batter swings his wooden Louisville Slugger. Kelly becomes an immediate success and as the season progresses, the team moves up in the standings. Kelly's team reach the World Series just as he is running out of the liquid. Will St. Louis win the World Series? This is a zany, wacky precursor to The Absent Minded Professor. This film can be obtained from Amazon as a VHS tape. Hopefully, it will be shown on a a classic movie channel sometime this month.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Oceans - Disneynature's Oceans (1:24) 2009

Oceans was released for the big screen on Earth Day 2010. I regret missing it at the theaters because the cinematography is truly awesome. Pierce Brosnan is the narrator, he informs the audience about the various sea life as they swim across the screen. Some of the creatures, like the lobster, humpback whale and sea otters,  are well known to us. Other odd looking fish and plants were new to me. The stone fish is the strangest looking creature I ever seen. The documentary shows us sea turtles hatching during the daytime making their journey into the water is very dangerous. We see frigate birds swooping down and catching the turtle hatch lings and flying away with them. That scene broke my heart but that is the way of nature. This is great family movie, children and adults will be equally intrigued with this oceanic adventure.

Barney's Version (2:12) 2010

Paul Giamatti is Barney Panofsky, a hard drinking Jewish Canadian television producer. Barney's life is shown in flashbacks starting with his early adult days in Rome. Barney marries three times. His first wife commits suicide, he divorces his second and third wives. Much of the story focuses on his life with his third wife, Mariam, his true love and mother of his two children.  Dustin Hoffman plays Barney's father, Izzy, a retired, widowed police detective. Although Barney is financially successful, he is also somewhat of an immature, insensitive screw-up. The end of the movie, where we see Barney in the final years, is sad. emotional and totally engaging. Giamatti is an excellent actor and is Barney from beginning to end. The cast is also very good. I really liked this movie and recommend it. It is a must see for Giamatti fans.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Journey of the Universe (0:60) 2011

Journey of the Universe was shown tonight at Spruce Hall as the kick-off movie to next week's  2011 Environmental Film Festival at Yale. Today's showing was also the world premiere. Brian Thomas Swimme is the narrator of the story of the unfolding universe and our ever evolving place in the universe. This documentary was filmed on the Greek island of Samos which happens to the birthplace of Pythagoras. In sixty minutes, the narrator takes from the big of the universe to modern day. We are given a look at the astronomy, geology, and ecology of  our world and the insights of our knowledge and discoveries. Journey of the Universe is beautifully filmed, the shots of outer space are awesome. Swimme is excellent in giving us information without becoming too technical or dry. This is an excellent way to start EFFY!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Batter Up!

March 31st is opening day for Major League Baseball. To celebrate America's national past time, I will be posting reviews of my favorite baseball movies beginning this Sunday. Feel free to make suggestions of movie titles that you would like discussed.  Play ball.

Everything Strange and New (1:24) 2011

Wayne is a carpenter with a wife and children. His wife has a mood disorder, finances are tight, and his best friend is recently divorced. Wayne is depressed and questioning the state of his marriage. Wayne often uses voice overs to tell about his life his past. I am really struggling staying with this movie. He is just mired in his uneventful and less than happy life. He seems to be going through the motions. I may finish or may not finish this movie.  This is nothing to write home about because it maybe strange but there is nothing new.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Kind of a Funny Story (1:41) 2010

Craig lives in New York and attends a public high school for bright, high achieving students. One night, Craig feeling depressed and overwhelmed checks himself into the psychiatric ward. When Craig learns that he will be assigned to the adult ward, he wants to go home. He finds out he can't be released for five days. He forms a relationship with Bobby, a patient who knows the ins and outs of getting whatever he needs. Craig is also taken with a teenage patient, Noelle. Noelle helps Craig forget about his crush on his high school friend Zia. Craig finds people who support him during his five day stay as he begins his journey of self discovery and awareness. This movie turned out to be a sensitive look at the trials and tribulations of being a teenager as well as a sensitive look at people with mental health issues. The icing on this cake was a fantasy scene of Craig and the patients singing " Under Pressure." This is definitely worth a look - rent it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Ride Along the Lincoln Highway (0:45) 2008

A Ride Along the Lincoln Highway is a PBS production. I learned a lot from this documentary. The first fact that I learned was that there is a Lincoln Highway, sometimes called Route 30. The Lincoln Highway runs east to west across the United States, starting in Times Square and ending in San Francisco.  The focus of the documentary is the attractions that are off the beaten track. There are interviews of restaurant owners, shopkeepers and Lincoln Highway historians in Pennsylvania, Illinois and other Middle American states. This is a wonderfully refreshing look at a slice of American culture.

The Tourist (1:43) 2010

Just released on DVD
Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp are the stars of this film. Both stars are usually in good movies and having seen the trailers, I was really looking forward to this movie. Jolie was absolutely gorgeous in the role of Elise, Frank was his usual charming and endearing self. The locations, mostly Venice, were breathtaking. And the plot . . . was a disappointment. Elise picks Frank to unwittingly to help her reunite with her lover who is on the run. Frank, an American schoolteacher, is chased by police and criminals. There were a lot of chases, twists and turns but the storyline fell short. The Tourist is eye candy. If you are looking for a spellbinding crime thriller or a mystery story, keep looking. There is no mystery why The Tourist was on the big screen for a short period of time.

Limitless (1:45) 2011

Limitless is filmed in an interesting way with the opening scene grabbing your attention. The story is told in a flashback by the main character. Eddie, played by the hunk Bradley Cooper, is a depressed and unproductive writer. He is given a sample of NZT, a pill that helps the person use a hundred percent of their brain. Eddie tries a sample and writes his book in four days. He soon parlays a small amount of money into millions and is brought to the attention of powerful people on Wall Street. Life is good except for two problems. People taking the pills are ending up very ill or dead. The pill has side effects, one is not remembering what has happened in the recent past. Eddie's life is further complicated when the criminal element wants him to share his pills of which he has a limited supply. This is a very interesting movie and told in a very engaging way. The only complaint that I have is there is a ridiculous scene at the end when Eddie is fighting off three gangsters in his apartment, it is so far fetched that people were openly commenting about the scene. I certainly understand why Limitless was number one at the box office this past weekend. I recommend this movie especially for anyone that enjoys the science fiction genre.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lebanon - Levanon (1:34) 2009

The four man crew of an Israeli armored tank are sent to search a town that has been bombed by their Air Force during the 1982 Lebanon War. The soldiers are all young twenty year olds who have never seen action. As they follow orders to drive north, they are shot at and bombed. The crew finds themselves cut off from their forces with a damaged tank and wounded men including a Syrian prisoner. All of this movie was filmed inside the tank. Scenes outside the tank were filmed looking through the periscope, we see only what the crew sees. As time goes on, the young soldiers deal with panic, anxiety, grief, horror and all the emotions associated with war. I liked this movie more than I thought I would. The crew disintegrates emotionally and physically as the events spiral out of their control and made worse by their isolation. It had a Twilight Zone feel to it but I assume how soldiers must feel during action.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kinky Boots (1:46) 2005

Charlie Price inherits the family business, a Northampton shoe factory. Soon after he takes over, Charlie learns the factory will soon be bankrupt. There just isn't a market for mens' oxfords any longer. Charlie takes a trip to London looking for ideas to save his business. He encounters Lola, a drag queen, who needs to wear stiletto heels in his cabaret act. This is proving difficult because shoes with high heels aren't made to support a man's weight. Charlie decides to make shoes for this niche market - high heels for drag queens and transvestites. Naturally, the employees of the shoe factory are taken aback at Charlie's idea. When they realize Charlie is trying to save their jobs, they finally begin to work together. But is there enough time for them to perfect this new shoe type for the Milan Fashion Show? This movie is based on a true story of an English shoe busines. The ending scene is wonderful - the shoes are modeled on a catwalk during a musical number. I really enjoyed this movie. The film takes a delicate subject and deals with the issue of kinky boots  in a sensitive, mature manner.

Of Gods and Men - Des hommes et des dieux (2:00) 2010

Of Gods and Men is based on the true event of the murder of French Trappist Monks during the Algerian Civil War in 1996. This movie was shot at an abandoned monastery in Morocco but made to look like the authentic Algerian monastery. This is a very quiet movie. It shows the eight monks in prayer, singing Gregorian chant, and working on their farm. Most of the dialogue revolves around whether the monks should leave and relocate to another African country. The monks have been living successfully with the Muslim residents but know they are in danger, especially after they help a wounded terrorist and also refuse the offer of Army protection.The men know that the villagers depend on them as more than 100 villagers visit their medical clinic daily.  This is a movie that has been nominated for awards in the Best Foreign Picture catagory and it is well made. This movie is not for everyone - it relies heavily on the contemplative nature of a small, close knit religous community.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Warrior Queen (1:30) 2006

Boudica, an early Celtic Queen, battles the Roman Empire during the reign of Nero. The Masterpiece Theater presentation focuses on the time after the death of Boudica's husband, a powerful chieftain, through her final battle with the Roman legions. This telling of one of early and rare female queens is bloody. It shows battles, beheadings and a the rapes of Boudica's daughters. It was interesting to see the British conquest by Rome as seen by the British. It was a good change a pace since so many of the stories are about the lost Ninth Legion or told from the Roman prospective. Warrior Queen was shown by PBS and is now on DVD. A definite rental for all interested in early Celtic history.

The Lincoln Lawyer I1:59) 2001

My suggestion for movie goers is to promptly get in your Lincoln or any car you drive and go see The Lincoln Lawyer. Matthew McConaughey is a high priced lawyer who defends drug dealers and other criminals. He uses his Lincoln Town car as his office. Mick Haller is divorced from Maggie (Marissa Tomei), a district attorney, and has a daughter. Haller is hired by a very wealthy woman whose son is being tried for sexual assault. Mick learns that his client Louis is guilty and is also guilty of an earlier murder. The client-lawyer privilege means he has to continue to defend Louis. Mick is conflicted, one of his clients was wrongly convicted for the murder committed by Louis. The is a well acted movie, the dialogue is crisp, the plot is straight forward and moves along. My friend Judy and I really enjoyed this movie. We were commenting after the movie that is good to see McConaughey in a serious film. I find The Lincoln Lawyer guilty of being a high quality movie.

The Wildest Dream (1:33) 2009

In 1924, George Mallory's wildest dream was to be the first to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. Mallory is best know for his three word reply "it is there"  when asked why he wanted to climb Mt. Everest. Mallory and his climbing partner were last seen and photographed 800 feet from the summit. The clouds rolled in and they disappeared never seen again nor were their bodies recovered. Then after 75 years, famous climber Conrad Aiker discovered Mallory's frozen remains. His clothes and supplies were intact, the only missing item was his picture of his beloved wife, Ruth. He had promised to leave her picture on the summit. Eight years later, Aiker recreates Mallory's climb, replicating the clothing and equipment of that time. Aiker's goal was to determine whether Mallory would have been able to make it to the summit. This is a very good documentary. Original footage and photographs are used, a voice over quotes from Mallory's writings and letters. The scenes with Mallory are interchanged with scenes of Aiker's ascent. Aiker also spends time comparing his experience with that of Mallory. The scenery from The Wildest Dream is obviously breathtaking. This is a well done documentary for anyone interested in mountain climbing, exploration and history.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Paul (1:40) 2011

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost reunite in this road trip movie. Graeme and Clive attend the Comic-Con convention in San Diego. Their plan is to rent an RV and drive to some alien tourist attractions like Area 51 and Roswell before returning to England. Graeme and Clive, while sci-fi geeks, are decent men and stop at the scene of an accident. There they meet Paul, a big headed, cigarette smoking alien on the run. Paul is voiced by Seth Rogen and has some funny lines. The duo agree to drive Paul to his rendezvous point with the mother ship. Of course along the way they are chased by government men who want to recapture Paul.  The trio meet a young woman, Ruth, who decides to leave her oppressive father and travel with them. Ruth's father is also in pursuit. I went to see Paul with my daughter, Liz and my two nephews, Connor and Paul. They are all adults and I was glad, while the movie is funny the language is crude and vulgar. I had to admit we couldn't help laugh at some of the crude dialogue. We all enjoyed the movie and had a good time. Although Paul is receiving mediocre reviews I think it will do well at the box office due to word of mouth. We weren't the only ones laughing out loud.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Waste Land (1:38) 2010

This documentary follows Vik Muniz for the three years he worked at the world's largest landfill photographing "catadores" or recyclers. Jardim Gramacho is located outside Rio de Janeiro and the recyclers living in the favelas work there trying to eke out a living. While Vik was photographing the workers, he decided to change his original project and took about a half dozen workers back to his studio. Vik got to know each of them well and became emotionally involved in helping them better their lives. Muniz took individual portraits of each of the chosen workers and then transformed the enlarged photos with recycled materials. The transformations were the most interesting part of this documentary. The works of art have been displayed in museums around the world. In the process, each recycler's life was also transformed for the better. This is not an easy documentary to explain. There are many scenes of workers picking through the garbage and that gets old fast. When the workers are brought to the studio and the audience learns about their lives it becomes riveting. I highly recommend this documentary. Stay with it, the ending has one of the most uplifting films I've seen in awhile.

Inspector Bellamy (1:50) 2009

Gerard Depardieu stars as Paul Bellamy a well known French police detective. While on a month long vacation with his wife, Bellamy is drawn into solving an insurance scam. Joining the couple is Paul's half brother Jacques. Paul and Jacques have a long history of resentment, hostility and rivalry so his visit is difficult for Paul. As much as I like Depardieu I wasn't really didn't care for this movie. It didn't really hold my interest and I had to struggle to stay with it.  I have to say you may want to skip this movie.

Listen to Your Heart (1:40) 2010

Watching Listen to Your Heart is like drinking corn syrup, thick and sugary as it is going down. Filmed in the "Big Apple" the story revolves around the budding romance of Danny, a piano player/composer and Ariana, a college student who had lost her hearing at the age five. As their relationship grows so does the interference of Ariana's mother, a wealthy Greenwich woman. Talk about a control freak, it was so much so that it really was unbelievable. When Arianna learns that her mother has kept her from Danny, she finally has had enough and leaves her home. The next scene is Danny lying on his living room floor having a seizure. I won't reveal anymore of the plot. The story is about nice people who meet and fall in love. It comes across like a made for televsion movie, and not one of the better ones. I do have to compliment the music, there are several songs that help the movie along. And this movie needs all the help it can get.

In the Name of the Father (2:13) 1994

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!!!!!
Drum roll please. . . My favorite Irish movie, and one of my all time favorite movies, is In the Name of the Father. This movie is based on real life events and on the autobiography of Gerry Conlon. Daniel Day-Lewis portrays Gerry Conlan and the late Pete Postlewaite as his father Guiseppe.
Conlan, his father, Paul Hill, and one other are known as the "Guildford Four" are arrested and wrongly convicted for a terrorist bombing that resulted in the deaths of four military officers and a civilian. They were wrongly convicted because the authorities knew that the four were not involved, they had a confession from the real bomber. And yet, the British authorities allowed this men to stay in prison. Guiseppe did die in jail in one of the most powerful and moving scenes in any film I've seen. When news of Guiseppe's death is passed from prisoner to prisoner, the inmates take small pieces of paper, light them and then drop them out the window. The scene was shot from the outside so the viewer sees lighted pieces of paper dropping from the windows of a multi story brick building at nighttime. I've cried every time I watched that scene. Eventually, a British lawyer takes their case and learns that the authorities had the confession of the real bomber. This is a movie about injustice, politic cover up, and if you are of Irish descent, the anger that arises in you as you are watching this time is incredible. And the joy of cheering at the movie's end is also just as  incredible. This is a greatly emotional movie and a great way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Globetrekker: Vietnam (0:45)

Globetrekker is a television series that highlights different countries or areas around the world. My middle school students watched the Vietnam video this morning. In Connecticut, seventh graders study Asia. This travelogue begins in the southern part of the country with Ho Chi Minh City. We experience life in the big city where bicycles out number cars one hundred to one. We are shown the fireworks in celebration of the TET festival. The host of the show, Justine Shapiro, then travels north to a seaside resort. After a day at the beach, Justine takes a train ride to the central part of Vietnam. After seeing some historical sights, she flies to Hanoi and takes a tour of the city. She then takes a bus ride to the northernmost part of  Vietnam, near the China boarder. She ends her journey with visting limestone caves and lagoons that have been made into fish farms. All my students, as well as the staff, were engaged in this travelogue. It was chock full of the sights and sounds of a country that has just recently been opened to us Americans.

Grown Ups (1:42) 2010

Grown Ups was released last summer among poor reviews. The reviewers were correct in saying that it was full of cheap jokes, bathroom humor and no plot. The film stars some of the top comedy actors of our day, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock and Kevin James are three of the them. The storyline revolves around the reunion of five friends who played C.Y.O. basketball for the funeral of their former coach. The successful Hollywood agent, Sandler, rents a lodge for his friends and their families. It is a typical reunion story, the men have taken different routes, some more successful than others. The reunion weekend is also a time for the men to reconnect with their wives and children. I could understand 10 -12 year old preteens enjoying this movie but there is much for adults other than some slapstick comedy and cheap jokes. The characters are likable, the families treat each other nicely even before they reconnect. If you see it, it will probably meet your low expectations.

My Left Foot (1:43) 1989

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 2
Christy Brown is Irish artist and writer. His remarkable story is told through the use of flashbacks. Christy was born with cerebral palsy and only has control of his left foot. The Browns are a poor working class family. When Christy was born, besides being diagnosed with cerebral palsy, he was misdiagnosed as having a cognitive impairment. Christy spent his childhood being taken from place to place in a wagon. The actor who portrays Christy as a child, is equally as good as Daniel Day-Lewis is as the adult Christy. Over time, Christy learns to write and paint using the control of his toes on his left foot.  When it was released, My Left Foot received many nominations, Day-Lewis won the Oscar for Best Actor and Brenda Fricker was as Best Supporting Actress as his mother. This is an inspiring and riveting story of the triumph of the human spirit. This is my second favorite Irish movie of all time and highly recommend it. Please note that there is a lot of crude and vulgar language throughout the movie. My Left Foot is based on true events and on the book of the same name written by Christy Brown,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Four Lions (1:37) 2010

Newly released on DVD
Four Lions is an English satire or a black comedy. Either way, I really didn't like this movie. Four Muslim jihadists have formed a cell and are building bombs. They have plans to be suicide bombers with a target of a British mosque. The men, however, are not very bright. One is training crows to be suicide bombers, two of the men traveled to Pakistan to be trained as suicide bombers. The only problem was their training is cut short when they accidentally bomb a visiting Emir. Later on, the men are transporting the bombs. one of them is running in a sheep pasture, trips, falls, and bombs himself up. I found this movie hard to understand. The British accents were heavy and there were no English subtitles. The British have a much different sense of humor from Americans and this just was not my cup of tea. I really can not recommend this movie.

The Fighter (1:54) 2010

Released this week on DVD
A good companion piece to The Boxer, The Fighter is a story of an Irish American family in Lowell, Massachusetts. The Fighter is based on real people and true events. Mickey Ward (played by Mark Wahlberg) in training to be a fighter, is not having much success in the ring. Mickey is in the shadow of his older half-brother, Dicky, who made it to the professional boxing level. Dicky unfortunately is now a junkie. Mickey continues to practice at a local gym under the direction of a Lowell policeman. Mickey has a mother, Melissa Leo, who is very ambitious for Micky and also very controlling. Mickey meets a college educated women played by Amy Adams. Charlene is seen as a threat by Mickey's extremely dysfunctional family. Mickey finally starts winning bouts and the family conflicts rise in relationship to the extent of his success. I really likes this movie, although the language was very offensive and I wasn't crazy about the scenes with the drug addicts. But that is real life. The movie is shot in and around Lowell, the home of my family on my mother's side. I recognized a lot of the scenery. The Fighter was nominated for Best Picture this year and it was a greatly deserved nomination. Leo and Bale both won for Best Supporting Actress and Actor. Bale was a shoe in from the start, this was his movie.

The Boxer (2:34) 1997

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 3
Daniel Day-Lewis and Jim Sheridan (director) work together for the third time, giving us the The Boxer. Danny Flynn, has just returned to Belfast after spending fourteen years in prison on charges of associating with the IRA. He was sent to prison at age 18 and now is a man who justs wants to stay out of trouble and concentrate on boxing. The current IRA leader, Hamill, is trying to reach a peace agreement as Flynn opens a non sectarian boxing club.  Troubles arise for Flynn when he reunites with his old girlfriend Maggie. Maggie is married to an imprisoned IRA man and the IRA code is that wives of the prisoners are off limits. The other problem is when Danny is preparing his gym to open, he discovered a box of hidden away explosives which he promptly chucks into the river, agitating the local IRA leader. Flynn finds himself caught in the middle, between the IRA and those brokering peace. Danny knows it is hard to leave the IRA, they do not let you leave especially when you are considered a local hero. This was a very good movie about a man who finds himself in between a rock and a hard place. Day- Lewis is excellent. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hereafter (2:09) 2010

Released this week on DVD
Hereafter is a Clint Eastwood directed movie starring Matt Damon. Matt Damon, much to my surprise, had a smaller role than usual. Damon plays George, a dock worker, who had a gift of speaking to a client's deceased loved one. George had been successful but gave up his business as it took an huge emotional toll. His life intersects with Marie, a news reporter, who barely survives the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. George also encounters Marcus, a London boy who has lost his twin brother in a car accident. The supporting actors were excellent. Damon is one of my favorite actors but I didn't really care for him in this movie. The opening scene of the tsunami was incredible especially on the big screen. It was truly riveting. I also liked the scenes when Marcus is going from one clairvoyant to another trying to get into touch with his twin. Eastwood showed the audience how many different types of charlatans there are in this field. I'm glad I saw it but wasn't particularly thrilled with the movie. It is worth a rental.

Salt (1:44) 2010

Without a doubt, Salt is one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. Angelina Jolie is Evelyn Salt a CIA agent who is really a Russian sleeper agent. Her plan is to assassinate the President of the US and start the Russian takeover of  America.. Salt has to escape from and stay ahead of the CIA, the police, and the Secret Service. Salt in order to stay ahead of the game, she jumps on the top of moving trucks, crashes cars, shoots at and kills members of the law. The movie consists of bad guys really being good guys and the good guys are the bad guys. Although the movie is action packed the storyline so improbable it is simply a romp, an a rather mindless romp.

Middle of Nowhere (1:35) 2008

Grace is all set to attend LSU in the fall except she needs to have $12,000.00 for tuition. Her mother has squandered the money left to her and her sister and racked up credit card debit in Grace's name. Grace works at a Louisiana water park each summer. Dorian, the adopted son of a wealthy couple, has been sent to live with his uncle and also works at the same water park. Dorian is 17 and the family screw up. Dorian learns that Grace has to come up with the the twelve thousand by the end of the summer and offers her a chance to go 50/50 in his business. He is a pot dealer and needs her car to make deliveries. She reluctantly agrees and they start making serious money. Along the way, Grace learns a family secret and Dorian meets his biological mother. The acting was good, the plot was that of a made for television money. I liked the growing relationship and the conflict between Grace and Dorian. No rush but you may want to check it out sometime.

The Crying Game (1:52) 1992

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 4
The Crying Game blew me out of the water when I saw it. The movie has many themes as it deals with race, sex, violence within the backdrop of the "Troubles". Twists and turns take place throughout the movie.  Fergus (Stephen Rhea) is an IRA member who kidnaps Jody, a black British soldier. Jody is to be executed in three days unless IRA prisoners are released. Fergus and Jody form a bond during this time. Jody asks Fergus to check on his girlfriend Dil after he is executed. The three days pass and Fergus is ordered to kill Jody. Fergus is unable to follow through on this order but Jody dies accidentally in the get away. Fergus keeps his promise to check in on Dil. If you haven't seen this movie, which Rotten Tomatoes rates at 100, I highly recommend it. The Crying Game is a very unusual movie, I remember when it was released on the big screen. It was a popular movie, the word of mouth was incredible but no one would reveal the big twist.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shades of Ray (1:26) 2008

Ray is living in Los Angeles working as a bartender while auditioning for acting roles. His father flies in from New Jersey after leaving his wife of thirty three years. Ray has asked his girlfriend to marry him and she tells him she will give him an answer when she returns home from a family vacation. The hesitation comes from her family objecting to Ray, who is half Pakistani and half white. With the arrival of Ray's father the pressures starts for Ray to meet a girl who is of Pakistani descent. Ray's dad is worried about Ray marrying a white girl even though he had done the same. Further complications arise when Ray unexpectedly  likes Sana and Noelle returns and says yes. This is a cute romantic comedy, all the characters are nice people struggling with finding love, living up to family expectations, and accepting being different.

The Playboys (1:52) 1992

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - Bonus
The Playboys was filmed in Redhills Village of County Caven. The movie stars Robin Wright as Tara, an unwed mother, a shopkeeper in 1957. Tara is pressured by the local priest and the villagers to reveal the baby's father, something she refuses even when the priest asks her from the pulpit. A traveling group of actors arrive at the village and will be giving performances every night for a week. Tom, Aidan Quinn, is attracted to Tara. This brings about the jealousy of the local police sergeant, Brendan. Albert Finney is excellent as the policeman who is in love with Tara and wants to marry her. As Tom and Tara grow closer, the anger in Brendan grows. Although he has been on the wagon, he slips on evening unleashing his emotions and faces Tom in a fist fight.
This movie realistically speaks to the culture of the 1950s villages of Ireland. The priest is the driving force in keeping people in line, using shame and disgrace as a motivator.

In America (1:43) 2003

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 5
When In America was released in the States, it was very popular with the Irish American community and with good reason. It is a Jim Sheridan film, semi autobiographical and nominated for multiple Oscars. The nominations were all well deserved. At that time I highly recommended the film and I still do. The movie is about the Sullivans, a young Irish family whose father is trying to break into show business. They live in Hells Kitchen with the mother working in an ice cream parlor. The girls, Christy and Ariel, attend Catholic school. Christy uses a camcorder as a way of documenting their family life. The girls meet one of their neighbors, Mateo, on Halloween night. Mateo is an artist who is HIV-positive caused by a bad blood transfusion. Mateo is also Nigerian and away from his family. Life goes on, Sarah becomes pregnant, Mateo becomes a full blown AIDS patient. In America, we are born, live and die just as everyone else in the world. This is a wonderful movie about love of family, love of friends, enjoying what we have, and being open to what life brings us. Although this is a movie about a young family, this is not a movie for young children due to the adult themes. I see this as a movie for high school students and on up. This is a definite check it out movie.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Partition (1:55) 2007

This is a good movie! Partition is set in India during the late 1940s. The war is over and the Sikh soldiers return to their villages. Gian is a mustard farmer who just wants to lead a quiet life in peace. The partition of Pakistan and India takes place and with it massacres of innocent people, both Sikh and Muslim. Gian rescues a Muslim girl and protects her by taking her to his home. The villagers do not like her and want to take her away from Gian. However, Naseem is safe as long as she is Gian. Over time, Gian and Naseem fall in love, marry and have a son. They are living as a very happy family. Naseem is notified that her family is still alive and living in Pakistan. She visits them in Pakistan but when they are told that she is married to a Sikh, her brothers literally lock her in her room. Will Gian and Naseem ever be reunited? I enjoyed this move, the scenery was awesome. I hadn't realized all the turmoil and bloodshed that the partition had caused in the middle of the last century. The soundtrack enhanced the movie which did turn into a soap opera in some scenes. All in all, I highly recommend this movie for those who like historical drama and/or romance movies.

IMAX - Amazing Journeys (0:40) 2002

Amazing Journeys is a documentary originally presented in IMAX theaters. The film was digitally remastered and released on DVD. The migration of  five animals are highlighted:  monarch butterflies,  Canadian Geese, the grey whales, red crabs, zebras. One of the native African tribes are also highlighted. One of the facts that I learned was radar is being used to track the migration routes of small birds. Scientists are learning that birds use land forms, the setting sun, stars,and their internal compasses to return to winter homeland. This is a beautifully filmed nature documentary chock full of information. The sights and sounds of the birds in flight, whales breaching are fantastic. The chapter on the Christmas Island red crabs was absolutely fascinating. I wished I had an opportunity to see this at an IMAX screen. This is a wonderful film to watch with children and adults alike.

Under the Same Moon - La Misma Luna (1:49) 2007

A good companion piece to The Other Side of Immigration, is the fictional film Under the Same Moon. I loved this movie so much, I went to see it twice and that is a rarity. A young mother, Rosario, enters the US illegally. Her young son, Carlitos, is left under the care of her mother. Rosario calls her son weekly, and sends home money. Carlitos misses his mother but also loves his grandmother. One day he returns home to be told the his grandmother has died. After the funeral, he takes all the money he has saved and begins his journey across the border to reunite with his mom. Along the way, Carlitos has the help of an illegal immigrant, Carlos. This movie shows how difficult the separation of the family is on all members of the family. It is hard on the ones leaving and the ones staying behind. The young actor who played Carlitos is a wonderful actor, he has a real charm. This is a movie that I recommend be placed high up on the Netflix queue.

The Other Side of Immigration (0:55) 2009

The Other Side of Immigration is a documentary based on hundreds of interviews of Mexican citizens in a poor, rural area. Many of the people interviewed had entered the US illegally, worked in restaurants and farms for a period of time before returning home. All left Mexico because there are few job opportunities in the area and they needed to provide for their families. While working in the States, they sent home money.
The men interviewed all came back to Mexico because they wanted to be with their families. Many of the men have made multiple trips to the States. The workers discussed the reasons why the economy in Mexico is poor, NAFTA being a main reason. Also discussed was the effect on the family when the husbands and fathers are gone for long periods of time. At the end, the workers were all united in the message that it would be helpful for them to obtain work visas so they could come back to the Mexico during the winter months. None of those interviewed wanted to live in the States permanently. Another theme was that if the US spent the money on helping their local economy by investing in equipment, new technology, etc, the US would not have to spent money on border fences.

Nothing But the Truth (1:47) 2008

For some strange reason which I can't figure out, Nothing But the Truth went straight to DVD. That is too bad because it was a very good movie, better than many that I have seen on the big screen. The film is fiction but is based on real events. Kate Beckinsale portrays a Washington, D.C. reporter who writes a story thats outs a CIA operative. This does not sit well with the Federal government and a special prosecutor (Matt Dillon)  puts pressure on her to reveal her source. Rachel, backed by her newspaper and legal team (Noah Wyle and Alan Alda), refuses to reveal her source stating she is protected by the Freedom of the Press Amendment. The judge rules against her and she is sent to jail. This is a shock and an major adjustment for the Rachel. It is also a heartache for her as she is separated from her husband and her young son. Vera Farmiga is the outed CIA operative, Erica Van Doren, who is suspected as a possible leak. She also sacrifices greatly as her husband leaves her taking her young daughter with him. This movie is based on the Bush-Cheney outing of a CIA operative several years ago. Fair Game, starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn, was based on the actual events. I strongly recommend both of these films.  This movie calls to be seen by all political junkies.

Michael Collins (2:12) 1996

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day-6
Michael Collins, portrayed by Liam Neeson, was a well known Irish revolutionary leader in the early 1900s. Collins was one of the organizers of the Easter Uprising of 1916. He fought bravely at the post office but when the uprising failed, Collins was arrested and imprisoned. After his release, he held various offices eventually  becoming the President of the Provisional Government. Collins wanted peace with England and worked towards that end. In 1922, Collins was traveling in a military vehicle and was ambushed by the Anti-Treaty IRA forces and was shot to death. This is a movie for anyone of Irish descent as it is very accurate to real life events. Neeson is excellent as Collins as is  the supporting cast. Seeing this movie is a positive way of celebrating St. Patrick's Day. March 17th is much more than drinking beer and eating green food.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles (1:57) 2010

Opening Today
The plot of Battle: Los Angeles is straightforward. Aliens invade large coastal cities worldwide with the purpose of colonizing Earth.. The aliens need our water supply, from  the water in the oceans to the water in the sewers. All the Marines are deployed to evaculate the population of  large cities and protect Los Angeles from the invasion. Aaron Eckhart plays a Staff Sgt who has just applied for retirement. A combat veteran, SSgt. Nantz is the leader of a platoon who finds the alien control center. Will this small platoon be able to save Earth?  Think District 9 meets Independence Day. This movie is just one battle scene after another, lots of bombs, explosions, shootings and every other type of weapon imaginable. I like Eckhart as an actor, he is very convincing as a military leader. Even though I am a science fiction fan, this movie just doesn't cut the mustard.

Waking Ned Devine (1:30) 1998

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 7
When this movie was released, I saw it twice in the theaters, which is a rarity. Waking Ned Devine, filmed on the Isle on Man, is the story of two long time friends scheming to share the wealth of the Irish National Lottery. Tulagh Mhor is a sleepy village with fifty two residents. Jackie and Michael learn that someone in the village has won the Lottery. They decide to cozy up to the winner and hopefully receive some money. The only problem is the winner is Ned Devine. Ned, a friend, is discovered at home, smiling as he is holding the the winning ticket as he is sitting  in his favorite chair. Dead.  He has had a heart attack. Since Ned has no family, the villagers decide that his friend Michael will pretend to be Ned. Once he collects the winnings, the village will split up the money. The plot thickens when one of the is villagers is not willing to go along with this deception. This a funny movie, somewhat slapstick in some places, but thoroughly enjoyable. This is a wonderful way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Next Three Days (2:12) 2010

Just Released on DVD
The Next Three Days is a prison escape movie starring Russell Crowe and Elizabeth Banks. They are a happily married couple with a six year old son. Life is good until the morning Lara is arrested for the murder of her boss. She is convicted and set to prison for life. John believes in Laura's innocent. John starts learning everything in needs to know to break his wife out of jail. He meets with unsavory characters, buys a gun, gets fake passports. The day comes when he does break Laura out of jail but will they get away?
The actors are very good, it's hard to believe that a college professor would change so much in such a short period of time. The movie drags as John is planning the escape but the pace of the film picks up during the getaway.

Far and Away (2:20) 1992

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 8
A period piece that begins in Ireland in the 1890s and ends up in with the Oklahoma land grab. Joe Donnelly {played by Tom Cruise) is poor and has difficulties with the landlord. He has an accident and the landlord's family takes care of him. Joe is paid special attention to by the daughter, Shannon (Nicole Kidman). Shannon is bored with her life as an upperclass young women and feels restricted. After he recovers, Joe and Shannon take off for America. Upon arrival Joe takes a job as a bartender and a boxer. Being a skilled fighter, he wins matches and saves the money he wins.  He ends up losing his money due to the corruption in boxing. With Shannon's family in pursuit, Joe and Shannon go to Oklahoma to grab some land and become farmers. It was very hard for me to believe that Shannon would run away with a poor lad but once you get past that, the movie is fine. The young stars were good, the attention to the details of living in 1890 seemed accurate and the soundtrack supported the movie. At the end, you will be crying and cheering all at the same time.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Conviction (1:47) 2010

Newly Released on DVD

Conviction is based on real events. Betty Ann Waters is close to her older brother Kenny. As children they would get in mischief like stealing candy. Betty Ann grows up, marries and has children. Kenny grows up in some ways, he  continues to get into scrapes with the law. He is arrested for a murder that he didn't commit, is convicted and sent to prison. Betty Ann believes he is innocent and embarks on a life long journey to prove his innocence. Betty Ann studies for and obtains her G.E.D, attends Community College, and then graduates from college. Next step, law school. While she is in school, Betty Ann works part time, takes care of her children, visits Kenny and continues to pursue leads that will prove his innocence. While in  law school, Betty Ann makes friends with Abra Rice who will later assist her with the case. Betty Ann graduates from law school and passes the bar. More than 15 years has passed but Betty Ann is as committed as ever to prove Kenny is not a murderer. New technology has been developed - DNA testing. Betty Ann needs to locate blood samples from the murder victim - are they still being held by the state as evidence? I thought this was a very good movie especially since it was a true story. Hillary Swank, Sam Rockwell, Minnie Driver, Melissa Leo and Juliette Lewis were all very good. I had thought that Juliette Lewis deserved a nominated for a Best Supporting Actress for her role as the mother of Kenny's daughter. This movie is much better than the critics' reports. See it.

Morning Glory (1:47) 2010

Released this week on DVD

Morning Glory has a good cast, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, Rachel McAdams and Patrick Wilson are the mainstays. Too bad it doesn't have a better script. McAdams plays a producer of a morning talk news show. The show Daybreak has the worst ratings and is weeks away from being canceled. Mike Pomeroy, played by Ford, is a old fashioned news reporter, and is only interested in  the news. Becky Fuller, McAdams, is working day and night to increase the ratings. Pomeroy is difficult to work with, the co-anchors are warring and Becky's private life is almost non existent. Will the news show be saved? Will Pomeroy accept reporting on the human interest stories? Will Becky save her relationship with her boyfriend? There are some laughs, some interesting characters but it does fall flat. The strength of the movie is with Harrison Ford. He is a curmudgeon who sticks to his principle of responsible reporting, investigating and researching, getting the facts and getting the facts verified. Ford makes several references to want we think of as news today is really just entertainment. I couldn't agree more.

Spirit Bear: The Simon Jackson Story (0:47)

There is a first time for everything. I selected Spirit Bear: The Simon Jackson Story to watch through Netflix streaming. I thought that I was going to see the ninety-one minute movie with Ed Begly and Graham Greene. Much to my surprise, Netlfix streamed the documentary of the same name. The documentary focuses on Simon Jackson's efforts to save the Kermodi bear in Vancouver, BC. The amazing fact is at the time Simon was an eleven year old boy. His family took him to Yellowstone where he saw his first bear and was enthralled. He returned home and learned about the nearby Kermodi, a white bear called the Spirit Bear by the Native Americans. This bear, rarely found in nature,numbers less than four hundred . The bears are located in the rain forest area of Vancouver. The Kermodi is endangered due to the logging of its natural habitat. Jackson waged a lettering writing campaign, spoke to many classes of young students and nature clubs and organizations asking for help in getting the bears' habitat protected. By the age of 17, Simon had won the campaign, at least temporarily. This is a interesting documentary about how one person can make a difference.

War of the Buttons (1:30) 1994

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 9
Filmed in and around Donegal's tidal waters, the movie tells the tale of the rivalry between the residents of Ballydowse and Carrickdowse. One is a poor village and the another prosperous. The children of the villages are close knit groups and engaged in battles against each other. The winners of these stone throwing skirmishes often count "coup" by taking the buttons of the losers' clothes, cutting their shoelaces and taking their underwear. On one occasion, they did battle naked. The battles ensues when one of the groups have stepped over the white line drawn on the bridge that connects the two villages. Each group of boys have a leader. Fergus, a struggling student, against Jerome or Geronimo, the son of a wealthy business. As they do battle, they come to respect each other's leadership ability. This is a movie that I really like. It shows some of the classic issues we face all in life: loyality, belonging, leadership. This movie is a retelling of a French story and is very well done.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ballykissangel 1996 - 2001 Irish television series

Counting Down to St. Patrick's Day - Bonus Review

A great benefit of being a Netflix subscriber is television shows from other countries are available for renting. One of my favorite TV shows is Ballykissangel. The series begins with a young Catholic priest from England arriving at Ballyk, as it is often referred, to serve as the parish priest. The first person he meets is Assumpta, the local pub owner. Assumpta is  not fond of the clergy. Father Clifford settles in and meets the villagers. Talk about a cast of characters! Ambrose is the member of the Garda, the Irish police. Picture an Irish Mayberry. His girlfriend is Niamh who is ambivalent about marriage. The local successful businessman in town is Niamh's father, Brian Quigley. He always has some scheme to make money, he operates often in the grey zone. Quigley has two handymen, Donal and Liam working for him. The problem is that aren't that handy, they are mostly the town screw-ups. But they are lovable, you can't help root for them as they are also unsuccessful and unlucky schemers. The series ran for six seasons, the cast remained pretty much the same for the first three then major character changes took place. This was just a wonderful series. I read that when the series was playing in Ireland many young men would visit their Nana on the night Ballykissangel was on and they would watch the show together. And I believe that really did happen.

Can We Make it to Mars?: Nova ScienceNow (0:52) 2011

After watching The Pluto Files with Neil deGrasse Tyson, I came across Can We Make it to Mars? and decided to watch it. I was laughing at the title, we are wondering if we could travel to Mars and back successfully. I was watching this as the traffic outside my house was nonstop. There was a roll over of a gasoline truck on I-91 N on the North Haven/Wallingford line shutting down traffic for a predicted eight hours. We are going to Mars and we are having trouble getting out of town? Hmmm, interesting. This documentary takes a look at the dangers of a long flight to Mars on humans. Since the round trip would take about 3 years, more than 7,000 meals would have to on board. The shelf life of most meals is about two years. Cosmic rays, which are a cause of cancer, is dangerous for the crew. Bone loss due to weightlessness is also a problem. The problem for the spacecraft is being hit by space matter even minuet pieces. This turn out to be an interesting hour. I learned about the problems man will face in traveling to Mars, and as Tyson commented "We don't even know the unknown unknowns."

Kites (2:10) 2010

Bollywood meets Hollywood in Las Vegas. This is an Indian movie with Hindi, English and Spanish dialogue, with subtitles. J is a dancer and hustler looking to make some big money. He meets Gina, a woman who is very interested in him. J tells her that he is not interested and immediately regrets doing as he learns she is the daughter of a big casino owner and is loaded. J tells Gina that he would like a second chance. He meets her family including her brother Tony and his fiancee, Natasha. Natasha turns out to be Linda, J's wife. Their marriage was on paper only so Linda/Natasha could obtain a green card. Well, lo and behold, J and Linda really do have feelings for each other and run off the night before Tony and Natasha are to get married. Of course, Tony is a gangster and revengeful, he pursues the couple in the desert and then into Mexico, where Linda/Natasha's family lives. Oh, J speaks English/Hindi and Linda English/Spanish so their relationship is not based on great conversations. Since this Bollywood, there are dances and songs which are entertaining. Although watching Kites is liking watching sections of different American made movies, there was something entertaining and likable about this movie.

Into the West (1:37) 1992

Counting Down to St. Patrick's Day - 10
Into the West, starring Gabriel Byrne, is a family friendly fairy tale set in Ireland. Byrne was the "King of the Travellers" until the death of his wife in childbirth. Irish Americans know the Travellers as tinkers, a group who travels from one area to another as in the same tradition as gypsies. Pappa Riley nows lives in the Dublin slums with his two young sons, Ossie and Tito. One day, the boys' grandfather comes to see them and with him is a beautiful white horse named
Tir na nOg which means "Land of Eternal Youth". The boys now have visions of becoming cowboys. The boys love their horse but it is stolen from them by a rich and powerful man. They begin their journey into the west to reunite with their horse. Along the way they discover that Tir na nOg is much more than a horse. I just loved this movie when I saw it. It is well written and has won several awards in Europe. It is a good family movie, there is something for everyone.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Between the Folds (0:54) 2008

Did you know that the design of the car airbag sprung from origami? Between the Folds takes a look at both dry folding and wet folding. The creators use different sizes of paper to create all types of origami figures - animals, insects, and people. I also thought of origami as the specially cut square pieces of paper that come in kits with diagrams. This is a popular craft for students and adults. But it is so much more. Origami is a relatively new air form and is tied to math and science. There are many artists, scientists, college professors who are interviewed and speak of their work and love with origami. This is a very interesting documentary that I just happened to stumble upon. For all who are interested in origami, this is a worthwhile rental.

2011 Environmental Film Festival at Yale (EFFY 2011)

For those of us fortunate to live in the Great New Haven, CT area the EFFY will be held starting March 25, 2011. All the films are open to the public and FREE.  The films have their directors or writers speaking to the audience after the presentation, often with a Q & A. During the week, one of films is a premiere showing which is always fun.  For me this will be the third year in attendence. The first year EFFY was held during my April vacation and I went to every film. Last year I attended just about every night. I missed one night because I had already seen the movie and the other night I had a previous committment. As you can tell from the festival's name, every film has to do with the aspects of the environment, air, water, land, energy and natural resources. This is my favorite week of the year, the films are very informational, the conversations with the directors and writers are entertaining and insightful. For those interested, please follow the link to learn more about the festival: The films for 2011 have just been announced.  And a big thank you to the Yale School of Forestry, their students and the sponsors of the festival.

Road, Movie (1:37) 2009

Road, Movie is an American/Indian production. The movie is set in India with the dialogue in Hindi. Vishnu is a man in his twenties who is selling his father's hair oil and not thrilled about it. He has an opportunity to drive a 1944 truck, which was used as a traveling cinema, to a museum. On his six day journey, Vishnu picks up travelers along the way, a young boy, a mechanic and young Gypsy widow. For much of the trip, they encounter barren land, devoid of people. After all the food is eaten, and the water supply gone, they are in danger of perishing. The group also have encounters with the police and a water warlord. The water warlord borders up the wells so people have to go through him to buy water. I really don't know how to describe this movie other then if was filled with symbolism.  Being a "get what you see" type of person, I just took this movie at face value. And that is not to say that it didn't have it's own appeal. I liked having a look at another culture. And let's face, we are all on a journey. It may look different in other parts of the world but it is still a journey.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Secret of Roan Inish (1:33) 1994

Counting Down to St. Patrick's Day - 11
Fiona is a ten year old girl who is sent to live with her grandparents. Her grandparents live in a small fishing village in the west of Ireland. Her grandfather is quite the storyteller, he tells her of  an ancestor, a fisherman, who cheated death while at sea. Fiona is also told the family story of their evacuation from the nearby island of Roan Inish. The villagers tell Fiona about the selkies, part human, part seal who can shed their skins and become human. The selkies are thought to make their home on Roan Inish. Fiona also learns more about Jamie, her little brother, who was swept into the sea during an evacuation of the island. His body was never found causing speculation that Jamie was found and raised by selkies. One day, Fiona walking on Roan Inish  she sees a young boy playing in the grass. Jamie must convince her family that she has discovered Jamie. This is a wonderful Irish fantasy that makes the belief in the existence of selkies come alive. This is a wonderful family movie.

Nora's Will - Cinco dias sin Nora (1:32) 2009

Jose is long divorced and living across the street from his ex-wife, Nora. He has the key to the apartment and lets himself in to deliver meat packages. He finds that Nora has made coffee and set the table for Passover dinner. He also discovers that she dead in bed after taking an overdose of medication. He calls their Reuben who is away on vacation. The Rabbi arrives shortly to begin making the arrangements for burial. This becomes complicated because if Nora isn't buried with 24 hours, the funeral will have to take place after Passover and the Sabbath. Family, friends, the doctor, the housemaid arrive and Jose has his hands full.  When the Rabbi learns that Nora committed suicide, burial in the cemetery is prohibited. Jose has made arrangements with a Catholic cemetery but Reuben objects. This is a very subdued story of a family coming together, accepting what has happened, and working out their differences.  This is a movie filmed in Mexico with English subtitles. It is definitely worth the price of a rental.

The Pluto Files: Nova (0:52) 2010

The Pluto Files is a Nova presentation based on a book of the same name. This documentary is a hoot - it is a whimsically serious look at the outer planet or oddball planet or a Kuiper Belt object. The narrator, Neil deGrasse Tyson  begins the film with a look at our solar system and its nine planets. He then explores the discovery of Pluto by a young man named Clyde Tombaugh, who was straight off the farm. Walt Disney had a hand in making Pluto a popular planet when he created his lovable pup, Pluto. With all the developments in technology and increased knowledge in science, this oddball planet was declassified as a planet several years ago. This did not sit well with Pluto lovers and there were actual demonstrations in several parts of the United States. This just a fun documentary, Tyson makes learning about Pluto easy for kids and adults. Tyson is right up there with Bill Nye, the science guy. This is for any student learning about the planets in science. In the States, I believe this is third grade and definitely eighth. Three cheers for Pluto.

Mystic River (2:17) 2003

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 12
Mystic River is based on the book sharing the same title. Set in South Boston, the story tells of three Irish Catholic men, friends from childhood. The course of their lives have been different. Jimmy (Sean Penn) is a family man who owns a liquor store, Dave (Tim Robbins)is a blue collar worker and Sean (Kevin Bacon) a police detective. Jimmy has a teenage daughter, Katie, who goes out one night to party with her friends. She doesn't return home and is later found murdered. The most powerful scene every filmed is when Jimmy comes across a roped off area and the police are investigating an abandoned car. Jimmy recognizes the car as the same model and color as Katie's. Jimmy has to be restrained by many police as he keeps screaming "Is that my daughter's car?" His agony at that moment still brings me to tears. The movie then focuses on solving her murder. Dave is a suspect because he has hurt his hand the night Katie disappeared and tells everyone he had been mugged. There are other subplots, a childhood secret, and Sean's pregnant wife leaving him. This is one of my all time favorite movies.  It was directed by Clint Eastwood and was nominated for multiple Academy Awards. Sean Penn and Tim Robbins won for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. If you have missed it up to now, it deserves to go to the top of the queue.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Leaving - Partir (1:25) 2009

Leaving is a very good movie. Sarah (Kristin Scott Thomas) is married to a doctor and the mother of two teenagers living in Southern France. She decides to return to work as a physical therapist. Her husband, Samuel, hires a contractor to renovate a building on the premises to be her office. One day, Ivan, a Spanish handyman begins laying the tile and strikes up a conversation with Suzanne. One thing leads to another and Suzanne and Ivan have an affair. Suzanne, guilt ridden, confesses to Samuel. Samuel is very hurt but insists that there will be no divorce. Suzanne leaves Samuel and lives with Ivan. Suzanne and Ivan face financial hardship, Samuel has cut Suzanne off without a penny. Ivan is an ex-con and works hard for little pay. With their backs up against the wall, Suzanne decides to take action which places their happiness in danger. This is a well acted movie and the plot moves along at a good pace. I highly recommend this movie.
French with English subtitles.

The Adjustment Bureau (1:39) 2011

Based on a short story, The Adjustment Bureau is a science fiction film starring Matt Damon and Emily Bunt. David Norris (Damon) meets Elise (Blunt) a dancer and falls hard for her. Elise returns the feelings and they seem to be meant to spent their lives together. The only problem is the men from the Adjustment Bureau are interfering with their relationship because it doesn't follow "the plan". Although the men in the black hats make it clear to David that if he continues his relationship with Elise, he will not fulfill his fate of becoming a US Senator and then president. David also learns that Elise, if the relationship continues, will become a dancer teacher and not a renown dancer. Will David and Elise fulfill their destiny or will they make their own fate? The beginning and the ending of this movie is very interesting but the middle drags. The plot is not always clear and concise. Although the movie is uneven, the ending is very satisfying. If you don't get to see The Adjustment Bureau on the big screen, it is definitely worth a rental.

The Town (1:25) 2010

Counting Down to St. Patrick's Day - 13

The Town is based on a book titled The Prince of Thieves and set in and around Boston. Four Irish-American men, friends from childhood, rob banks. They rob a Cambridge bank and take a bank manage hostage during the get away. Claire is released unharmed. Since the four were masked, Claire can identify one of them by the tattoo on the back of his neck. Doug (Affleck) the leader follows Claire, bumps into her, and begins a relationship against the better judgement of the group. John Hamm is the FBI Agent in charge of solving the bank robberies. The four men are under surveillance and have a local florist as the "Big Boss". The late Pete Postlethwaite, I believe in his last film, is excellent. The foursome continue to rob banks and are nearly caught in a North End bank job. During the investigation, the FBI think that Claire is part of the gang after a wiretapped phone conversation. Claire is shocked to hear that Doug is one of the robbers who held her hostage. The big and final job is at Fenway, the home of the Boston Red Sox. The movie is now on DVD. Everyone I have spoken with has enjoyed this bank heist film. The Town moves at a good pace, filmed in Boston, and is about Irish-Americans. This is a very good movie.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chloe (1:36) (2009)

Chloe is described as a sexual thriller. It wasn't that thrilling. Catherine, a GYN, suspects that her husband David, a music professor, is having an affair. Catherine pays a young sexy blond escort to come on to her husband to test his faithfulness. Chloe reports back to Chloe  and describes her meeting with David. Kate asks her  to  meet with David  again and report back on the details. Each time Chloe meets with Kate her reports become more sexually expicit. As they continue to meet, Chloe becomes very much taken with Kate. And then the well advertised "sexually explicit" scene between Kate and Chloe occur. The triangle becomes more complicated when Chloe targets Kate and David's teenage son. When my kids are being sarcastic they often would say "Big Whoop" as a reaction to an event. Now I know what they meant. The three top actors were very good, but it just was a flat movie. I've seen better made for television movies. Nice try but no cigar.

The Greatest Places (0:40) 1998

The Greatest Places is a creation of the Science Museum of Minnesota and originally shown in IMax theaters. During the forty minutes, the viewers travel to seven sites: Madagascar, Tibet, the Amazon,  Iquazu Falls, Namib Desert, Greenland and Okavango Delta. We are witness to the sights and sounds of these beautiful locations, complete with animals, plants, waterfalls, waterways, grasslands and mountains. The native peoples are also shown. I wish for an opportunity to see this film on a big screen or in an IMax theater. This is a great movie for world travelers, geography students or nature lovers. This is a fantastic travelogue for the entire family.

Veronica Guerin (1:38) 2003

Countdown to St. Patrick' Day - 14
This movie is based on the real life of Veronica Guerin, an Irish newspaper journalist, who investigated drug trafficking in Dublin. The drug ring didn't like being exposed in the local papers even though Guerin used pseudonyms to avoid lawsuits. The criminals threatened to harm her and her young son if she continued investigating.  It was their hope that the IRA would be blamed for the drug problems although the IRA had nothing to do with drug smuggling and selling. Threats against Guerin continue and then she was shot in the leg. Guerin, for awhile, accepts police protection but later refuses a police escort finding it interferes with her investigations. Does the criminal element follow through with their threats or does Veronica shut them down? Cate Blanchett is a very convincing Guerin in a movie remains true to actual events.
There is also a 2000 TV movie starring Joan Allen titled When the Sky Falls which is based on the Guerin life story. Allen is also very good as Guerin and I actually liked TV version a little more.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mesrine: Killer Instinct- L'instinct de mort (1:53) 2007

Jaques Mesrine was a real life criminal and committed crimes in France, Canada and the United States. Vincent Cassel of Black Swan fame portrays Mesrine. The movie begins with Mesrine returning to his family's home after his tour of duty in Algiers. He starts working for Guido, a gangster, by robbing banks. Mesrine gets married and has three children but spends some time in prison. Upon his release, Mesrine works in a honest business but when the boss must lay off some workers, Mesrine leaves the company and resumes his life of crime. His wife leaves him and then Mesrine leaves for Quebec. He teams up with a member of the QLO and starts to rob banks. The trio (his girlfriend also) is sent to prison where the treatment is cruel and Mesrine vows to escape for a prison that was built to be escape proof. Will Mesrine succeed? I really likes this movie and will be watching the second part as soon as it is available. Cassel is excellent in the starring role.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Burlesque (1:59) 2010

DVD is out this week.
Most of the critics panned Burlesque but everyone that I know who saw it really liked it. And so did I. I have to admit, the first dance number in Burlesque kind of reminded me of a scene from Caberet and I thought that maybe the critics may be correct. That thought didn't last long. Cher, the manager, was quick with the funny one-liners and performed twice. Stanley Tucci, her gay assistant and costume manager, was a wonder foil and balance for Cher. Christina Aquilera plays a small town girl who comes to Los Angeles to break into show business. Ali begins bar tending at Cher's club and eventually gets her opportunity to be one of the dancers. Ali eventually has a chance to sing and can she belted out a song. This is set against the backdrop of Cher possibly losing her club due to financial difficulties. All the song and dance routines are good, they become more elaborate throughout the movie. Granted, the plot is predictable, the small town girl makes good and remains loyal to the person who gave her her start. I saw Burlesque on the big screen and will be renting to watch again. This is very unusual for me, it is my greatest compliment.

Some Mother's Son (1:42) 1996

Counting Down to St. Patrick's Day - 15

Some Mother's Son is a movie based on the true events of the 1981 hunger strike that took place in Maze Prison. Bobby Sands is leading the IRA prisoners in the strike, they view themselves as prisoners of war rather than criminals. Helen Mirren and Fionnula Flanagan play two of the men's mothers. These two women are as different as night and day.  Kathleen (Mirren) is a refined widowed schoolteacher who is a pacifist. Although living in Northern Ireland, she has avoided the Troubles by concentrating on her family and her career.  Annie (Flanagan) is a hard working farmer and IRA sympathizer. The two very different women cross paths as they are driven to help support and save their sons. This is a riveting story, one of my favorite. There are scenes, especially at the end, that are very hard to watch. It is heartbreaking watching the women lose their sons through self imposed starvation.

Never Let Me Go (1:43) 2010

Here is a one word summary:  Huh? Never Let Me Go is based on a Ishiguro novel, a science fiction work about children whose purpose in life is to eventually be organ donors for ill people. The story starts in 1967 with three children, Kathy, Ruth and Tommy residing at a school in the remote English countryside. They have little contact with the outside world until they became teenagers. They eventually leave and are put on a list to begin making organ donations. The students know that they will make two or three donations until the completion and will die as young adults. The only hope they have is if a couple falls in love, the are given an extension for three to four years before they begin the donations. This is a somber movie, and it took my awhile to understand what was happening. Not having  read the book, I did know when or how the students were selected. There are other gaps in the background story. This movie is OK. The three actors, Carrie Mulligan, Andrew Garfield and Kiera Knightly are excellent.

Read It and Weep (1:24) 2006

Read It and Weep is an original production of the Disney Channel. This movie is geared to early adolescent girls in the 9 -13 year old range. Being a teacher on the middle school level, I decided to watch it. Jamie is a high school freshman who has a small group of friends. Her friends are not the cool, popular girls, the  cheerleaders. Jamie also likes Marco, the boyfriend of one the cool girls. The popular girls ignore Jamie or push her out of the way. Jamie has a writing assignment and accidentally submits her personal journal story. Jamie is very creative and her journal story wins a contest. The story is published in the school newspaper and then is turned to a book within the semester. Jamie now has a handler, goes on tours and meets famous people. When she is in school, the popular girls want her attention and her original group of friends are lost in the shuffle. Over time, Jamie realizes she has lost sight of what is really important - her family and friends. I highly recommend this movie to the teenage audience. The themes are the ones teenagers deal with daily and the message is a positive one. Thank you Disney!

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (1:38) 2010

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger is the newest film from Woody Allen. It is a typical Allen fare - an ensemble cast set in a large city (London) complete with a voice over and typical Allen background music. The stories revolve love - gained, lost and regained. Sally and her husband Roy, an author, are unhappily married. Roy is persuing his neighbor and Sally is smitten with her boss. Sally's mother is recently divorced and is regularly visiting a fortune teller. The fortuner teller predicts she will find love again and she does. Her love interest is a recent widower still in love with his wife. Sally's father has married a younger golddigger who is taking him to the cleaners. I like Allen's movies but this one is not my cup of tea. The voice over speaks the lines that life is full of sound and fury that signal nothing. I would claim that this movie is more to do with "much ado about nothing."

Good (1:36) 2008

This review can be started in two ways. The movie is Good and at the beginning it really isn't. I had to force myself to stay with it. The second  is to say Good is a good and powerful story about the terrible things that happen when good people say or do nothing. Viggo Mortensen portrays John Halder a university professor in 1937 Berlin. John is unhappily married with several active children and an ailing mother. He is also an author of a novel about compassionate euthanasia. His best friend is a Jewish psychoanalysis. Halder is approached by the Nazis as they are very interested in his novel. They want him to join the Party as part of an intellectual elite. Halder, up to this point, has not be interested in joining the Nazis thinking that Hitler will not be in power for very long. Halder does reconsider and eventually joins the Party thinking he can influence the Party in a positive way. Well, we all know where this goes. Having read The Cage and Parallel Journeys with my students, I was very interested in the scene that shows The Night of the Broken Glass. The first half hour of this movie was taken up with Halder's family life and his affair with a student. The last hour of the movie really shows how Nazism took hold because so many people did nothing. Good for that reason is worth watching

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Agnes Browne (1:31) 1999

Countdown to St. Patrick's Day - 16

Agnes Browne is a middle aged woman, a sudden widow, with seven children. In order to pay for her husband's funeral, Agnes is in need of funds and obtains them from a loan shark. As she is faced with raising her children alone in 1967 Dublin, Agnes sells fruits and vegetables at a stand on Market Street. She has a close friend Marion who supports her as she adjusts to being a widow. There is a scene where the two women are eating in a pub and Marion shares bedroom details with Agnes. It is the funniest scene, I laughed so hard. I still laugh when I think of it. Life takes an interesting turn for Agnes when she meets the new French baker who is definitely interested in Agnes. The film has been criticized because Agnes is crazy about the singer, Tom Jones. (And weren't we all back in 67?). Tom is appearing in Dublin. Will Agnes's dream of hearing him sing come true? This is just a fun movie with some sad moments but a realistic look at woman raising her family in Ireland in the late 60s.

The Snapper (1:31) 1993

Counting Down to St. Patrick's Day - 17

The Snapper is based on a Roddy Doyle book of the same name. I read the book and laughed out loud. When I saw the movie, I also laughed out loud. The Snapper follows the book very closely.  Dessie Curley, played by Colm Meaney, is a family man living in Dublin. He works as a plasterer during the day and spends time at the pub, socializing and drinking, in the evening. He is a loving husband and father to a large number of children  (by today's American standards).
Then the shoe drops, his 20 year old daughter Sharon, a store clerk, announces she is pregnant. Of course, Dessie is concerned about having to tell his friends that Sharon is "up the pole." He is also frustrated that she will not reveal the father's name. Sharon, in order to pacify her father, finally reveals that the father  is a Spanish sailor in a hilarious scene. As time goes by, the family overcomes their shame and begins to embrace the thought of a new family member. The only complaint I have with this movie is that I laughed so hard that I missed dialogue. And I also suggest playing the movie with English subtitles, the brogues are thick. This movie is a great way to start the countdown. This is one of my all time favorite comedies.