
It's time for the release of the Oscar Nominated Films

Monday, April 8, 2013

Yukon Kings (0:07) 2012

Yukon Kings, a short documentary filmed in the Yukon Delta, opened the Environmental Film Festival at Yale tonight.  A Yup'ik fisherman, Ray,  teaches his grandsons how to fish salmon during the summer run. At one time, the salmon would weigh up to thirty pounds, now the heaviest fish are half the weight. It is Ray's hope, realizing the weather and climate are changing, is that his grandsons will be able to teach their grandchildren. Yukon Kings was a great short to kick off the festival.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Environmental Festival at Yale 2013 Begins Monday!

EFFY 2013 begins Monday. Follow the link for the complete list of films.

This is the fifth year for the film festival. I have seen great documentaries and short films  all dealing with environmental concerns. The fun part of the festival is the panel discussions with the directors, producers, writers and Yale professors. The festival is free and open to the public. On street parking is available.