
It's time for the release of the Oscar Nominated Films

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ted (1:55) 2012

Is Ted crude and vulgar? Yes. Is Ted politically correct? No. Does it have bathroom humor? Yes. Will you laugh your head off? Absolutely, unless you are easily offended. Ted reminds me of past summer comedies - Bridesmaids and the year before, The Hangover. The audience can't help but laugh time and time again. John Bennett, a lonely friendless eight year old, receives Ted as a Christmas gift from his parents. He wishes for his bear to come alive and a shooting star makes the wish come true.One of the first scenes is John's parents reaction to the live stuffed bear. The audience just howled. Fast forward, John is now thirty-five and smokes pot, and drinks beer with his friend Ted. John has a going nowhere job at a car rental business but does a hot girlfriend of four years,  Lori isn't thrilled with the fact that her boyfriend has a best friend that is a stuffed animal, even though he does speak. Lori breaks off the relationship with her Peter Pan boyfriend and John is devastated. Ted sees his friend suffering and takes steps to bring the two together. Is it too little too late?Although there are lots of laughts, there is a serious part to the movie. Lori wants John to grow up but John cannot break away from his thunder buddy. I highly recommend Ted with the caveat that it does contain lots for vulgar language. But you can't help laugh.

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