
It's time for the release of the Oscar Nominated Films

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Heat (1:57) 2013

The Heat is a very crude and vulgar movie loaded with f bombs but the jammed packed audience laughed continuously throughout the movie. Sandra Bullock is a straight laced FBI detective assigned to Boston and Melissa McCarthy is a gutter mouthed local detective with the same assignement - apprehend a drug czar. Different as night and day, they do have one thing in common, neither are liked by their colleagues. The detectives start investigating. and after spending a night drinking in a bar, start warming up to each other and begin working  as a team.. I am usually put off by movies containing unnecessary vulgarity but my friends and I were so busy laughing, really laughing that we walked out after the movie having enjoyed the film. The critics really panned The Heat but it is easy to see this is going to be the hit of the summer, all through word of mouth. It is fun!

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